Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thanksgiving in Japan

Many delicious dishes
Christmas may be right around the corner, but I still wanted to finish a quick writeup about Thanksgiving in Japan. Although it’s not celebrated in the country, the local community of English teachers and other friends put together a nice Thanksgiving dinner to celebrate for ourselves. We had a big turnout this year and it was a great time!

We agreed to do a pot-luck style dinner and all brought something to share. I wish I could say that I spent hours cooking some amazing dish, but limited time forced me to simply bring ice cream to share. But others were nice enough to cook a variety of good stuff. We even had a turkey, which is really difficult to get around here. The party took place at the house of one of our older Japanese friends in the JET community; she often likes to be involved with the international community and is willing to help us out with things like this.

At the party, we put all of the food on a long table and grabbed whatever we liked. We chowed down on the delicious meal and chatted with our friends. At some point everyone started playing some casual party games too, like Catch Phrase or Taboo (word games). Maybe next year I'll be able to actually contribute something more worthwhile than vanilla ice cream!

The feast begins!
Playing some games after eating