Friday, February 28, 2014

Birthday Party Time!

Enjoying a great birthday at Pent House in Aomori
Getting older scares me, but doing it surrounded by great people make it a little easier. My birthday was on February 13, and a lot of good friends were here to celebrate it with me. I'm not going to say to much in this post but I at least want to thank my friends for coming and making it such a good time. I have to especially thank my special friend, Nozomi, who organized the whole thing and prepared a bunch of fun games we could all enjoy. Lastly, I don't want to forget the various birthday messages and cards I received from other friends and family who didn't have the opportunity to celebrate with me; thank you too!

I've been trying to ask myself, "what does each passing birthday really mean?" I don't think I have a really good answer to this, but I tend to think about how I've changed and what I've learned since my last birthday. Either way, hopefully we all get a little wiser each time.

One thing I do know, is that this past birthday will most have been my last birthday in Aomori City since I'm leaving in late July. News of my final year as a JET participant is known to most of my friends and family already, but if anyone hasn't heard yet I've decided to finish my contract after three solid years working here. So where will I be on my next birthday? I'm really not sure yet, but I look forward to the new experiences I'll gain along the way.